The Equality and Human Rights Commission has produced a guide for UK boards to ensure that they are taking human rights seriously and meeting their international obligations. The guide provides five steps boards should follow to satisfy themselves that their companies identify, mitigate and report on the human rights impacts of their activities. These steps will also […]

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Responsible investment advocacy group, ShareAction has called on US asset manager, Vanguard, to demonstrate its commitment to company engagement on climate issues by voting in favour of shareholder resolutions on climate risk at ExxonMobil and Chevron, in an open letter to its chief executive Bill McNabb. In the letter Catherine Howarth, chief executive of ShareAction, calls on the company to undertake […]

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The London Stock Exchange-owned FTSE Russell has launched the FTSE Divest-Invest index which will reduce investors exposure to fossil fuel companies while also increasing exposure within the index to companies engaged in the transition to a green economy. FTSE Russell said it was able to achieve this using data captured from its new green revenue data model, called […]

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Mining group, Rio Tinto, which is dual-listed in the UK and Australia, avoided a large scale rebellion over its remuneration report although there was a higher level of dissension than in previous years. The voting results were announced following the Australian AGM – Rio Tinto plc held its AGM last month. The resolutions – one […]

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The share price of Japanese car manufacturer, Mitsubishi Motors, has plunged as the company admitted that incorrect emissions data had been submitted to its government since 1991. Mitsubishi has apologised to shareholders, customers and stakeholders for the deception. The company has appointed a special investigation committee made up of external lawyers under the chairmanship of Keiichi Watanbe, whose was formerly the […]

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The 10 largest global food companies have made commitments to improve social and environmental standards in their vast supply chains, according to anti-poverty charity, Oxfam. However, in an assessment of its three-year ‘behind the brands campaign’ Oxfam also said that much more power and much more of the value that the companies’ products generate needs to reach […]

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Although the awareness of responsible investment is growing, implementing the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is still proving a challenge 10 years on, according to an independent report assessing the impact of the PRI which was launched in 2006 as a partnership between the UN Global Compact and UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). The […]

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Energy company, Drax, which operates the biggest power station in the UK, faced protest from environmental campaigners at its AGM on Wednesday (20 April 16). Groups including Biofuelwatch and the London Mining Network joined forces to protest about its business activities. Specifically campaigners claim that the coal-fired power station sources coal from  mining companies that […]

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The United Nations (UN) held a ceremony at its headquarters in New York for countries to formally sign up to the climate change agreement that was made in Paris at the end of last year. The Paris Agreement enters into force once 55 countries representing 55% of global emissions have deposited their instruments of accession with […]

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Investors vote on the first of three shareholder resolutions proposed at Rio Tinto, Anglo American and Glencore AGMs this week calling for reporting by these mining companies into how they are managing carbon emissions and investing in low-carbon energy research and development. Rio Tinto at its AGM last Thursday (14th April) was the first company […]

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