Al Gore, Founder of the Climate Reality Project, provided the key note speech at a meeting of institutional investors held as part of the official series of events within the UN’s Climate Change Summit (COP 21) in Paris. The event – Investing for the long term: addressing carbon asset risk – provided think tank Carbon Tracker […]

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Corporate governance is a critical factor in understanding company value and it drives investment performance according to a global survey of 293 financial services decision-makers commissioned by Aberdeen Asset Management. Corporate governance emerged as the most important matter on which asset managers should engage the companies in which they invest, with strong support also for […]

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The European Commission has published its formal proposal for the much-leaked update to the 2007 Shareholder’s Rights Directive. It forms a part of the “road map” for the Commission’s 2012 company law and corporate governance action plan which is aimed at “enhancing transparency and engaging shareholders”. The draft directive identifies 5 specific objectives: Improvement of […]

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There’s no denying it: we work in a results-driven world. Financial results, investment return, engagement outcomes, meeting results. In fact, this is a good thing. Positive results we’ve contributed to are one of the things that make our work feel valuable (and shock horror, actually gets it valued sometimes as well!). So how or why would we create […]

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As we approach the season of goodwill to all (wo)mankind, our thoughts often turn to those less fortunate than ourselves, and how we might achieve a better world with what we have to share. It’s a tradition that stretches well back before the iconic 1843 Dickens novella “A Christmas Carol“. In many ways, socially responsible […]

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It hardly comes as a surprise that two in five UK plcs find that proxy analysts have a so-called “negative influence” on the relationship between companies and their investors (Financial Times: “Proxy agencies fail to tick boxes” July 1, 2013) However, Sir John Parker appears to misunderstand the role of governance analysts. As the Investment […]

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The  update of the corporate governance code for French listed companies published this month by AFEP/MEDEF has raised some telling questions about the governance of governance across the channel. Viewed against a backdrop of an agressive campaign on the part of French issuers seemingly aimed at censuring proxy research providers, the arrangements for the enforcement of the new code are […]

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The Swiss Federal Council recently published their “Proposal for an Ordinance against abusive remuneration practices” in response to the successful popular referendum on what has been dubbed the “Minder Initiative”.  It is the first formal consultation stage ahead of the tabling of a formal legislative proposal, timetabled for November, in time for a January 1st 2014 implementation date. The […]

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Optimising the Means and Ends of Good Governance Manifest is proud to sponsor the 4th Cambridge International Regulation and Governance Conference on September 6th, at Queens College, Cambridge. In a timely intervention given recent consultations at national and supra-national level on both sides of the Atlantic touching on stewardship processes, the conference will address regulatory responses to aspects of the […]

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  Manifest’s friends GES invite you to their London 20th anniversary seminar and new website. GES celebrates its 20th anniversary by hosting a high-profile seminar in London exploring the future for Responsible Investment. At the same time, GES launches a redesigned website. Under the title “What works in ESG Engagement?”, GES has invited a number of […]

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