The Investors Working Group, a bi-partisan panel of experts created in February 2009 by the Council of Institutional  Investors and the CFA Institute Centre for Financial Market Integrity, has released its recommendations for reform and modernisation of the US financial markets. According to the report, strengthening existing regulatory agencies, closing gaps in the regulatory structure, […]

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“We believe that active ownership can help enhance long-term shareholder value and are therefore supportive of pension funds being more active.”   That’s the message from a recent study published Watson Wyatt U.K., “No Action No Option,”  which concludes that pension funds worldwide will come under increasing pressure to use their ownership rights to push for improved […]

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Nine leading US pension funds have announced that they will be disclosing their voting intentions for shareholder meetings on a new web portal, ProxyDemocracy.  AFSCME Employees Pension Plan, CalPERS, CalSTRS, Calvert Investments, Christian Brothers Investment Services, Domini Social Investments, the Florida State Board of Administration, Green Century and Trillium Asset Management are making their individual proxy […]

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FairPensions, the UK-based campaign for responsible investment has published its 3rd annual survey of pension funds and their ESG arrangements. The headline findings are that although major UK pension funds are now acknowledging the potential of ‘non-financial’ issues to affect the value of investments, many still lack key strategies to manage these risks. The report also raises […]

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