The European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ), along with the French corporate accountability platform, Forum Citoyen pour la RSE, has called for European countries, EU institutions and the wider international community to follow the lead of France which has established  a duty of vigilance obligation for parent and subcontracting companies. The ECCJ said that this law […]

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In a move to assist investors, the French government has adopted clear standards for products that fund managers regard as socially responsible investments. These investments products will need to be certified by accredited certification bodies to be sold under the SRI label. Requirements to be labelled as SRI include the need to take environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues […]

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The simple but powerful statement of solidarity with the notion of a free society that articulated the public reaction to the recent horrific events at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris shows just how important freedom is in our modern age. Not just freedom of expression, but freedom of belief and movement too. “Je […]

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The  update of the corporate governance code for French listed companies published this month by AFEP/MEDEF has raised some telling questions about the governance of governance across the channel. Viewed against a backdrop of an agressive campaign on the part of French issuers seemingly aimed at censuring proxy research providers, the arrangements for the enforcement of the new code are […]

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The AMF, the French equivalent of the FSA, has finally published an English language version of its February 7th report on the conduct of General Meetings at French listed companies. The report deals with the four broad themes of dialogue between shareholders and issuers, shareholder voting at general meetings, the board of the general assembly and its […]

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Over the same weekend that the UN wrestled with the question of whether to intervene in the internal affairs of Libya, the French financial markets regulator, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), issued a stunning piece of surprise, summary intervention in the proxy advisory market. Having consulted with “the professionals concerned” according to their own […]

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AFEP-MEDEF has released their second annual report on the application of the French Corporate Governance Code (AFEP-MEDEF Code) by companies in the SBF 120 index. The report highlights an increase from 34% to 40% in the percentage of companies in the CAC 40 where the roles of Chairman and CEO are combined. Across the broader […]

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The findings of the 2010 AMF report on the corporate governance of listed companies, based on a sample of 60 companies (34 in the CAC 40 and 26 in the SBF 120), show improvements both in practices and in transparency with regard to corporate governance and executive compensation. However the AMF highlights some areas of […]

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President Nicolas Sarkozy’s UMP party yesterday introduced a Bill into the French Parliament which seeks to ensure gender balance in boards of directors within five years, with an interim target of 20% within 18 months. The Bill provides for a gradual implementation of the obligation for gender parity on boards of directors of listed companies. […]

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A French judge has order seven executives at Vivendi to stand trial over alleged financial wrong doing. The executives include Jean-Marie Messier, Edgar Bronfman Jr and Guillaume Hannezo (former Chief Financial Officer). Reuters has reported that the charges include divulging misleading information, stock price manipulation and misuse of corporate funds. Messier was Chairman and CEO […]

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