A coalition of international investors representing $2.1 trillion in assets is upping its scrutiny of ‘laggard’ listed companies with a view to improving their reporting of ESG issues. The 86 companies have been targetted for their failure to honour the reporting requirements of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative. “Companies […]

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A private Member’s Bill was submitted to the Canadian Parliament this week by Robert Oliphant, MP, calling for amendments to the Pensions Benefits Standards Act, 1985, requiring public and private pension plans to disclose considerations given to environmental, social or governance factors during the selection, retention, or liquidation of investments under the plan’s responsibility. The […]

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Four of the Swedish buffer funds (AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4) this week announced the appointment of a provider of global voting services: “The First to Fourth AP Funds (The Funds) have carried out a procurement of a Global Voting Service. After extensive evaluation of different suppliers and their systems, we have decided to award Manifest […]

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Investors engaging with North American companies on climate change financial risks achieved major breakthroughs in the 2009 proxy season according to a recent report by environmental think-tank, CERES. A record 68 climate-related shareholder resolutions were filed by investors this year. Of the 68 resolutions filed, a record 31 resulted in company agreements and withdrawal of […]

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A report by the Asset Management Working Group of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative links the integration of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) issues into investment processes with legal responsibilities of fiduciaries (including pension trustees, asset managers and investment advisors).  It also calls into question whether the institutional investment industry responsible ownership […]

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It’s an old saying with a grain of truth, if you want something done, ask a busy person. Which is exactly what 50 + major investment professionals have done by joining the Social Investment Forum’s request to the SEC for improved ESG reporting from US-listed companies. The Social Investment Forum (SIF) and its co-signatories have […]

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FairPensions, the UK-based campaign for responsible investment has published its 3rd annual survey of pension funds and their ESG arrangements. The headline findings are that although major UK pension funds are now acknowledging the potential of ‘non-financial’ issues to affect the value of investments, many still lack key strategies to manage these risks. The report also raises […]

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A short-term outlook and portfolio turnover exceeding 100% per annum is inhibiting ESG integration finds new  research by Mercer,  the investment consulting firm. These findings are included in it’s recent report, Gaining Ground: Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Facors into Investment Process in Emerging Markets. The report, commissioned by IFC, a member of the World Bank […]

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