by Dr Rory Sullivan A huge industry has grown up on how companies can integrate sustainability into their communications with their investors. Many consulting firms and other organisations now offer advice on how to demonstrate organisational commitment to sustainability, on how to report, and on how to communicate effectively with investors. The specific recommendations being […]

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  Manifest’s friends GES invite you to their London 20th anniversary seminar and new website. GES celebrates its 20th anniversary by hosting a high-profile seminar in London exploring the future for Responsible Investment. At the same time, GES launches a redesigned website. Under the title “What works in ESG Engagement?”, GES has invited a number of […]

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New research from Manifest’s US partner ProxyGovernance Inc reveals just how rapidly support is growing for E&S votes at US companies. For the first time, E&S resolutions have represented the largest portion of shareholder proposals. Although the number of resolutions has remained below 200, those resolutions with more than 30% support have seen an 8 fold […]

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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has issued its draft international standard for social responsibility ISO 26000. The guidance in ISO 26000 draws on best practices developed by existing public and private sector social responsibility initiatives, according to ISO. ISO 26000 has been drawn up in consultation with many of the leading CSR thinkers and […]

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European companies fail to link executive pay to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance according to new research published by Eurosif (European Sustainable Investment Forum). The report, produced in association with an investor-led steering committee including Groupama Asset Management, Henderson Global Investors, MACIF Gestion, PhiTrust Active Investors, Robeco and Société Générale Gestion, highlights what EUROSIF sees as “critical challenges and […]

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After setting a new high-water mark in 2009 in terms of US shareholder proposals (more than five dozen) and support (one majority vote and three others exceeding 40% of the votes cast), proponents of climate change resolutions are gearing up for an even bigger 2010 proxy season. Close to 100 proposals, spanning more than a […]

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A coalition of international investors representing $2.1 trillion in assets is upping its scrutiny of ‘laggard’ listed companies with a view to improving their reporting of ESG issues. The 86 companies have been targetted for their failure to honour the reporting requirements of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative. “Companies […]

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A private Member’s Bill was submitted to the Canadian Parliament this week by Robert Oliphant, MP, calling for amendments to the Pensions Benefits Standards Act, 1985, requiring public and private pension plans to disclose considerations given to environmental, social or governance factors during the selection, retention, or liquidation of investments under the plan’s responsibility. The […]

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Four of the Swedish buffer funds (AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4) this week announced the appointment of a provider of global voting services: “The First to Fourth AP Funds (The Funds) have carried out a procurement of a Global Voting Service. After extensive evaluation of different suppliers and their systems, we have decided to award Manifest […]

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Investors engaging with North American companies on climate change financial risks achieved major breakthroughs in the 2009 proxy season according to a recent report by environmental think-tank, CERES. A record 68 climate-related shareholder resolutions were filed by investors this year. Of the 68 resolutions filed, a record 31 resulted in company agreements and withdrawal of […]

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