Audit committees are increasingly overloaded and UK companies are looking at other way to monitor corporate responsibility (CR)  and sustainability issues, according to a report published by the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE). An IBE survey of the FTSE 350 carried out with the support of the ICSA: The Governance Institute and Mazars found that […]

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Most companies in the UK’s  FTSE350 have met the requirements of the recent changes to the Companies Act to report more fully on environmental matters and to report on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions within their annual reports and accounts, according to a study by the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB). However, the CDSB,  an international consortium of business and environmental […]

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In a move to assist investors, the French government has adopted clear standards for products that fund managers regard as socially responsible investments. These investments products will need to be certified by accredited certification bodies to be sold under the SRI label. Requirements to be labelled as SRI include the need to take environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues […]

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The Singapore Exchange (SGX) is undertaking a consultation on amendments to its Listing Rules to align them with the amended Companies Act passed in October 2014. The Listing Rule changes will be able to send companies to send company notices and documents to shareholders electronically and the consultation asks if there is any concern about allowing companies to do […]

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Companies are likely to improve their disclosure of climate-related financial risks in the near future  following the creation of the an industry led task force formed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to develop consistent rules for firms when they provide this information to lenders, insurers, investors and other stakeholders. The task force will be chaired […]

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The shares of UK sports clothes and equipment retailer, Sports Direct, took a hit this week, despite reporting increased profits, following an investigation by the Guardian newspaper which it said revealed that workers at its new Shirebrook warehouse are receiving effective hourly rates of pay below the minimum wage. The Guardian found that Sports Direct warehouse staff […]

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As the countries taking part in the UN Climate Change Summit, COP 21 in Paris, struggled to reach agreement  114 major companies including Coca-Cola, Dell, Kellogg, Procter & Gamble and Sony pledged to set emissions reduction targets in line with what scientists say is necessary to keep global warming below the dangerous threshold of 2 degrees Celsius using criteria approved […]

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New York City Mayor, Don Blasio, has urged all government pension funds in New York and across the US to divest from funds that include assault weapon manufacturers. In his call he is joining a growing campaign which is urging institutional investors to divest from, and for individual Americans to stop their pension funds investing […]

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The PRI – Principles for Responsible Investment – project is calling on stakeholders and investors to take part in a series of initiatives it will be carrying out through out 2016 to mark its 10th anniversary. These will be reviewing its progress in getting responsible investing more accepted by mainstream investors worldwide and asking for […]

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In a rare case of a CEO being personally held to account for corporate wrongdoing the former boss of US coal mining company, Massey Energy, Don Blankenship has been convicted of conspiring to violate US mining  health and safety standards. These safety violations led to an explosion at one of its mines, Upper Big Branch in […]

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