Patisserie Valerie scandal charges

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has brought fraud charges against four individuals who oversaw the collapse of high street baker chain Patisserie Valerie.

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Annual reports are the bread and butter for corporate governance analysts. Here at Manifest we eat our way through almost 4,000 of them every year. You don’t need to take our word for it that they are of, shall be generous and say, ‘variable quality’.  The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, a professional media industry body, has […]

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Mears Group,  which moved its listing from AIM to the Official List in June 2008, has fallen significantly short of the requirements of the UK Companies Act in the drafting of its remuneration report for the 2008 financial year. As a main market company, Mears is now obliged to meet the requirements of Schedule 7A of […]

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