Northern Rock’s former shareholders have lost their bid for a judicial review of the nationalisation compensation scheme but have vowed to press their claims in the the House of Lords and, potentially, the European Court of Human Rights.  The House of Lords appeal could be heard in summer 2010 but  an appeal to the European Court could take […]

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The California Public Employees Retirement System, or CalPERS, is the US’s largest pension fund which provides retirement benefits to 1.6 million public employees. It’s also one of the most active proponents of good corporate governance on both a domestic and global stage. The latest target of their ire is the credit rating industry which it […]

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Whilst it’s pretty certain that Tina Arena didn’t have the travails of institutional investors in mind when she sang her smash hit “I’m In Chains”, it captures pleas that may have more resonance in such circles than the song itself. Lines such as “A little click and the lock’s on me”, “can’t lift my hands” […]

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Manifest’s annual review of executive remuneration trendshas now been published and has received a positive response from a variety of market commentators including Robert Peston for BBC’s News at 10 and the BBC World Service’s European Business News.  This year’s survey has been extended to included pensions data as well as detailed narrative on trends […]

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The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change has called for urgent action to boost the effectiveness of carbon markets and the mitigation of climate change risk in developing countries in their recent report ‘Toward an Effective Global Carbon Market’. The European group, representing over €4tr, identifies the need for strong pricing signals to further encourage […]

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The notice of the AGM of AMP Ltd, the Australian life assurance company, has been amended and re-issued in light of recent board changes. Meredith Hellicar resigned from the Board following the court judgement in the James Hardie case. Hellicar was one of seven James Hardie non-executive directors who Justice Ian Gzell found to have […]

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