Search Results for: SEC disclosure
UK pensions sector gets closer to adopting stronger ESG rules

Pension Schemes Bill will soon receive Royal Assent Powers to impose climate change regulations on pension schemes, including requirements to have net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, have taken a step closer to reality as the long-debated UK Pension Schemes Bill is about to be given Royal Assent. The final parliamentary stage of the Pension Schemes […]

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Listed companies required to make climate-related disclosures from January The FCA has set out how it will enforce new climate disclosure rules for UK listed companies. The new rules will require all companies listed on the London Stock Exchange to make climate-related disclosures consistent with the approach set out by the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial […]

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Nasdaq proposes diversity disclosure for listed companies

Nasdaq proposes diversity disclosure for listed companies The stock exchange group wants companies to disclose diversity data and impose minimum representation requirements  Nasdaq has filed a proposal with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that, if approved, would require all companies listed on Nasdaq’s US exchange to disclose board diversity or face delisting.  The rules would require most Nasdaq-listed companies to have […]

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Audit watchdog: UK companies must report climate disclosures

Audit watchdog: UK companies must report climate disclosures FRC to push companies to speed up on the race to net zero Companies are being urged to improve their reporting on climate change to meet the increased expectations of investors. On November 10, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC) called on public interest entities to report […]

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Speed needed on financial impact of climate change disclosure

Speed needed on financial impact of climate change disclosure Asset owners and their managers need to encourage more companies to disclose the financial impact of climate change on their businesses using an internationally recognised code, according to a new report. The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), established by the Financial Stability Board, said […]

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Concern mounts over ESAs’ ESG product disclosures

Concern mounts over ESAs’ ESG product disclosures PensionsEurope has voiced concerns over the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESAs) attempt to create templates for ESG products. The lobby group, which represents national associations of pension funds, said the product templates are too complicated for pension fund members and seem designed for classic investment products. The ESAs want […]

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SEC Commissioner Elad Roisman

SEC commissioner Elad Roisman, one of the four leading officials at the US regulator, has called for ESG labelling from fund groups to be made clearer.  However, at the same time Roisman is wary about more “prescriptive” ESG disclosure requirements being introduced for listed companies.  Giving the keynote speech at the Society of Corporate Governance’s virtual national conference, Roisman said asset managers […]

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FRC reports highlight benefits of Covid disclosures

FRC reports highlight benefits of Covid disclosures Investors require “clear and timely” disclosures from companies during the Covid-19 pandemic to inform decision-making and drive capital allocation. Two new reports from the Financial Reporting Council have attempted to break down what investors need from companies during the current period of uncertainty. The FRC has recommended that […]

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SEC lambasted over shareholder rights change as companies fail to meet ESG targets

SEC committee to policymakers: Revise ESG rules or be left behind The US risks falling further behind the UK and Europe unless rules governing reporting requirements for issuers around environmental, social and governance factors are updated. That was the conclusion from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s investor advisory committee, which issued a recommendation that issuer […]

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Accountants bodies, signed urgent call to agree standards on climate change.

Accountants commit to improve corporate climate disclosure A group of prominent accounting bodies, representing over 2.5 million accountants globally, have signed an “urgent” call to action pushing the profession to agree standards on climate change. The 14 bodies and 13 chief executives, who are all members of the Prince of Wales’s Accounting for Sustainability Project […]

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