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Governance codes around the world

Taiwan Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles update In response to the latest G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, Taiwan has updated its Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for companies listed on its stock exchanges. Key changes include allowing investor engagment; creation of a company secretary position to handle corporate governance matters; electronic voting; eliminating cross-border voting barriers and shareholder meeting information to be […]

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Communications firm BT has topped the rankings of Carbon Clear’s assessment of FTSE 100 company’s carbon reporting for the third year running. The carbon advisory service’s survey scores the companies based on their monitoring, reporting and verification; their carbon strategy; carbon reduction; stakeholder engagement and innovation. The retailer Marks and Spencer was ranked second again while […]

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The US Council of Institutional of Investors (CII) has written to the House of Representatives’ Financial Services Committee objecting to a number of proposals in its Financial CHOICE Act – which has now been approved by committee. This proposed law is part of earlier attempts by the Committee – in a series of bills passed in […]

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The TUC has claimed that it took the the UK’s highest paid chief executive (CEO), Martin Sorrell, less than 45 minutes to earn what an average UK worker earns over an entire year, following its analysis published at its annual congress held this week. Sorrell, the CEO of WPP, was paid £70 million in 2015, which according to […]

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In a surprise change of PR last Friday, (26 August 2016) Sports Direct announced that it would hold a public open day to coincide with its AGM on 7th September  at its premises in Shirebrook. The event is said to “enable the board to engage with as many people as possible in an open discussion about the […]

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Besieged retailer Sports Direct  has responded to further criticism of its governance practices. This time it is the  poor standard of its board evaluation procedures which Manifest’s recent AGM report has flagged as a clear breach of the UK Governance Code. Last Friday, a regulatory news bulletin announced that “an external evaluation of the board is planned […]

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The UK’s GC100 and Investor Group – made up of top general counsel, company secretaries and corporate governance heads at fund manager groups – has published its latest remuneration reporting guidance replacing the original version which was produced following the updating of pay disclosure regulations in 2013 which included the introduction of binding remuneration policies approved at least […]

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The Executive Remuneration Working Group, supported by the UK’s Investment Association, has produced 10 recommendations aimed at regaining the public’s trust on executive pay, simplifying the pay structures of top company bosses and improving the alignment of their interests with those of their shareholders in its recently published final report. Chair of the Executive Remuneration Working Group, […]

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While regulation on directors’ pay can be counter-productive the business community needs to address the concerns of politicians and the wider public about pay inequality in the UK, advisors PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) have warned in a report. This is a response to Teresa May’s pledge to tighten up executive pay regulation made just before she became Prime Minister and reported on […]

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Theresa May UK PM

In sharp contrast to US Republican moves to unwind the Dodd Frank corporate governance reforms introduced after the global financial crisis, the UK’s newly appointed Conservative party leader and soon to be prime minister, Theresa May, has signalled strong support for a progressive corporate governance agenda. Speaking in Birmingham on Monday, (11-Jul-2016) at what was to be the start […]

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