Search Results for: SEC disclosure

The UK’s general election campaign highlighted workers rights and representation as well as executive pay. With the main parties launching their manifestos this week the Conservative Party reiterated its commitment, that appeared in the government’s corporate governance green paper, to improve worker representation on company boards. This would not necessarily be an employee on the board but alternatively […]

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Following recent concerns that US could pull out of the Paris climate change agreement, President Trump has put off his decision on this until he returns from the G7 group meeting being held at the end of the month. Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary, said recently that the President had been meeting with his team […]

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Directors should be required to take their corporate governance and legal duties more seriously the House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy select committee believes. The committee’s report on corporate governance was published this week. While the MPs state that there is no need for a radical overhaul of corporate governance in the UK, “We do […]

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OECD Principles and Guidelines Responsible Business

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is responsible for the principles which set guidance for governments and global corporations. The G20/OECD Principles for Corporate Governance, usually referred to simply as “the OECD Guidelines” and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, also known as “Guidelines for MNEs”. The guidelines are comprehensive set of government-backed recommendations on […]

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Texan state legislature disclosure act

Shareholder activists and proxy analysts face up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000 if they fail to comply with a new regulations being proposed in the USA. The US state legislature in Texas has proposed a bill, which would, if passed, require activist investors and proxy advisory firms owning […]

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CEO pay ratio disclosure rule

Demand for CEO pay ratios has increased with initiatives in the US and UK focusing on the discrepancies between director and employee pay and the need for more regulation. US Democratic Senator Bob Menendez and eight other senators have written to Michael Piwowar, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, to urge him to implement […]

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Business Roundtable | BRT

The Business Roundtable (BRT), an association of the top US chief executives, has voiced its support for President Trump’s plans to reform Dodd Frank and has outlined a number of corporate governance regulations that it believes need reform or to be repealed. In a letter sent towards the end of February to Gary Cohn, the director […]

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The UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has argued that it needs more powers to take enforcement action against directors so that it can investigate and prosecute all directors for financial reporting breaches and associated issues of integrity, rather than only accountants and actuaries as at present in its response to the government’s green paper on corporate […]

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The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) has issued guidance, through its Global Sustainable Investment Centre, setting out recommendations for good practice in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting. The LSEG said that the global guide responded to demand from investors for a more consistent approach to ESG reporting, which it said is now a core […]

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Church Investors Group CEO pay warning

The Church Investors Group (CIG) has written to all FTSE 350 company secretaries outlining its revised voting policy for 2017 which includes a tough stance on executive pay. The CIG brings together the major church-based institutional investors and with their combined assets of approximately £ 17 billion aims to increase their impact through the joint […]

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