Search Results for: SEC disclosure
Indian proxy season

Recommendations were published this week by SEBI panel chaired by Uday Kotak which are designed to radically improve corporate governance practices in India. The committee on corporate governance was set up in June by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and asked to submit their proposals within four months. Key issues SEBI wanted to […]

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UK annual report

With UK annual reports continuing to steadily increase in length and demands for more disclosures the challenge remains for their preparers to keep reports clear and concise, according to Ernst & Young’s (EY’s) fourth annual review of FTSE 350 annual report and accounts. The report notes that the expectation of more disclosure will arise as a […]

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State green business

Fund manager Aviva, in partnership with Index Initiative, the United Nations Foundation and the Business and Sustainable Development Commission, has launched the consultation phase of the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). This global multi-stakeholder initiative aims to develop and publish free to access, publicly available benchmarks ranking companies on their sustainability performance and contributions towards achieving […]

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climate change

Four major companies – Estée Lauder, Kellogg’s, DBS Bank and Clif Bar – have joined RE100 – the 100% renewable energy campaign for businesses, led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP a week before Climate Week NYC 2017 takes place in the US. This brings the total number of companies that have committed themselves to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across their global operations to […]

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Vanguard engagement stewardship

Global investment firm Vanguard has written an open letter to the directors of public companies worldwide specifying its priorities that it will engage with firms about as part of its stewardship programme. The letter, from its chairman and chief executive William McNabb, stressed that Vanguard is a long term investor – shares in its index […]

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CEO pay revolts

The UK government has signalled that it will taking a shareholder and stakeholder market-based approach to governance reform rather than introducing more rules on executive pay. According to early briefings reported in the on  Financial Times (FT) and Daily Telegraph  he government’s response to the consultation on its corporate governance paper green paper, will published next […]

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Inrate, Swiss Flag

Investors in leading Swiss companies are increasingly prepared to vote against management, particularly over executive pay, according to research by the Ethos Foundation. Ethos, a pension fund-led responsible investment foundation shows that amongst the 200 companies comprised in the stock market index SPI, the average approval rate for items put to a shareholder vote reached […]

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FRC climate "major review"

The UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has begun a consultation on amendments to its guidance on the strategic report which aims to improve non-financial reporting by companies. The guidance was originally issued in 2014 when strategic reports were introduced. The revised guidance also reflects the FRC’s desire to improve the effectiveness of section 172 of the Companies […]

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shareholder proposals US Chamber of Commerce

No, says veteran US corporate governance activist James McRitichie, In his blog,, Jim emphatically rebuts the claims made in a paper recently published by the US Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness which argues that the US regulation regarding shareholder resolutions needs reform in order to “improve long-term company performance and investor confidence“. The […]

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Real Good Food AIM

AIM-listed Real Good Food has admitted to not disclosing payments to directors in its related parties transaction notes within its annual reports for three financial years from 2014 to 2016. These notes should have revealed the payment of consultancy fees to two of its directors – its executive chairman, Pieter Totté and a non-executive director, Peter […]

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