Search Results for: SEC disclosure
FRC reports highlight benefits of Covid disclosures

In February, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) announced what it has called a “major review” of how companies and auditors assess and report on the impact of climate change, with the findings due to be published in the Autumn, ahead of COP26. But investors are set to play a key role in this review, according […]

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TCFD Climate Disclosures

TCFD is set to get a boost after the FCA issued new rules requiring TCFD-compliant climate disclosures.

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EU Flags in front of the European Commission

Have regulators been deceived on green benchmarks? New European regulations on green benchmarks have been thrown into the spotlight this week, amid allegations they favour the interests of a handful of ESG data providers rather than supporting “genuine sustainability”. The European Commission’s proposals to develop benchmarks for low-carbon investment strategies have been dubbed “flawed and […]

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Sustainable Stewardship Greenwashing

UK pensions to pioneer mandatory climate change reporting UK pensions are set to be the first in the world to be legally required to assess, and rectify, their exposure to climate change risk. An amendment, including reporting requirements in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), has been tabled to form part […]

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French proposals to curb shareholder activism spark debate

French proposals to curb shareholder activism spark debate The French government has been criticised for publishing a report suggesting a crackdown on shareholder activism. The report, published at the end of last year, comes as shareholders keenly anticipate how different EU jurisdictions will negotiate capital market issues in the post-Brexit era. Following several high-profile shareholder […]

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Industrial companies largely ignoring climate risks

Industrial companies largely ignoring climate risks The world’s largest industrial companies have been warned they have been “too slow” in curbing their carbon emissions. The warning comes as a major report reveals less than a fifth of these high-emitting corporations are on track to meet the critical 2°C global warming target set by the Paris […]

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Consumer groups slam attempt to delay SRD II

More than a fifth of FTSE 350 companies faced significant shareholder dissent in the 2019 AGM season – with executive pay and directors’ elections topping the list of investor discord. The shocking findings, from data gathered by the Minerva Analytics and the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, should make for uncomfortable reading for many UK […]

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Workforce reporting needs improvement, FRC

Reporting on workforce-related issues needs to improve to meet investor needs and reflect modern-day practices, according to a new report from the Financial Reporting Council’s  Financial Reporting Lab. Workforce-related matters such as working conditions, changing contractual arrangements and automation have all become areas of increasing investor focus in recent years and the Lab’s report reveals […]

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EU Flags in front of the European Commission

Investors look ahead to ambitious EU agenda Fund groups, investors and law firms are weighing up the readiness of EU member states to implement new rules relating to environmental, social and governance-based investments. Top of the list is the introduction of the EU taxonomy, a framework designed to act as a catalyst for sustainable investment, […]

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FRC: Expectations and standards ‘still apply’

Can the FRC rescue its reputation? It has become one of the most disparaged – and lampooned – regulatory institutions of this century. The Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) oversight of the audit profession has been dubbed everything from ramshackle to timid, to lacking in any real pace or direction. The poor auditing practices of the […]

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