Search Results for: SEC disclosure
API, oil, petroleum

New API guidelines come amid stiffening disclosure rules July 2, 2021 The American Petroleum Institute (API) has launched a new template for natural gas and oil companies to better track and report greenhouse gas (GHG) indicators. The trade association, which is the biggest in the US oil and natural gas sector, said the framework aims […]

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Big Tech

Tech giants resist adding ESG to financial reports June 25, 2021 Leading global tech groups are resisting plans to include ESG disclosures in financial statements to US regulators. Tech giants including Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, and Facebook have written to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) warning of the complexity and potential legal risk of combining […]

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CDP attracts record support for environmental reporting work June 25, 2021 The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has attracted record support for its 2021 campaign for corporate environmental reporting. The non-profit group said this week that 168 investors and financial institutions were backing this year’s campaign. The investment groups, which between them have assets under management […]

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1.5, degrees, Celsius, Paris, Climate

G7 indexes falling short as countries support TCFD June 18, 2021 A new report written by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and CDP ahead of the Group of 7 (G7) and the UNGC leaders summit has found that the G7 stock indexes are on temperature pathways of 2.95 degrees Celcius or higher. Titled, ‘Taking […]

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CFO Taskforce commits to SDG-aligned investing June 18, 2021 This week at the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Leaders Summit, the UNGC CFO Taskforce for the SDGs announced that a total of 58 companies are now signatories to their CFO Principles on Integrated SDG Investment and Finance (CFO Principles), launched a year ago as the […]

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Charities, Responsible, Sustainable, greenwashing

New commitments to biodiversity from government and business June 11, 2021 Two global nature and biodiversity reporting initiatives have received backing from governments and leading corporations.  The G7 – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US – has backed the launch of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), following a meeting of finance ministers.  The TNFD will […]

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remuneration, pay gap

Transparency in reporting on social issues is a powerful way for businesses to build trust, create accountability, show leadership, and move the dial on seemingly indelible industry-wide issues. It is also a key factor for ESG investors who want to show alignment with increasingly stringent ESG regulations.

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Offshore Accounts, Taxes

Investors managing $2.9 trillion worth of assets have written to US congressional leaders calling on them to back a new law to improve tax transparency

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Timeline, Clock, Ticking, Waiting

New rules forcing asset managers and other financial services providers to disclose climate change risks will come into force later this year, the UK regulator has said.

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Josh Frydenberg

Australian investors hit out at planned proxy rules 14 May, 2021 A proposed Australian government clampdown on proxy advice provision risks limiting the ability of investors to raise issues with corporate boards, investor groups have warned. The rule changes, put forward by Australia’s federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg, would force proxy advice firms to make their […]

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