Search Results for: SEC disclosure
climate risks

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published a set of final rules requiring investment managers, pension funds, life insurers and publicly listed companies to provide disclosures aligned to the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

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The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has launched projects to tackle diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) across multiple standards, and to evaluate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and air quality in its Marine Transportation standard.

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The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) and CDP have teamed up to boost the capacity of financial institutions to measure and disclose their financed emissions.

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The Investment Association has warned UK companies they must align executive remuneration with stakeholder experience in new recommendations.

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IOSCO calls for providers of ESG ratings and data to be subject to greater oversight and regulation in a new set of recommendations.

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IFRS logo

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation has this week announced further consolidation plans between global sustainability reporting standard setters.

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This week at COP 26 saw a flurry of landmark achievements for greening the finance sector. The UK has delivered on its promise to make finance one of the core goals of this year’s climate conference, with back-to-back announcements by governments and regulators indicating a major win for responsible investors. This follows the series of policy announcements impacting the financial services sector in the run-up to COP, such as those unveiled in the UK’s ‘green finance roadmap.’

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The UK government has announced plans to make TCFD-aligned climate reporting a legal requirement for more than 1,300 publicly traded companies.

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With Australian AGM season around the corner, ESG issues look set to take centre stage as shareholder activism on environmental and social issues increases. This blog article is based on analysis from Minerva’s upcoming Australia Peak Season Preview briefing – contact for more information. 

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LGPS, Pensions, Pension

The Taskforce on Pension Scheme Voting Implementation (TPSVI) has published new recommendations to give pension savers a voice in how their savings are being looked after and encourages asset managers to engage with their clients.

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