Search Results for: SEC disclosure
net zero

The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) has published guidance to support investors in developing their own net zero policies and practices.

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Executive Pay the most talked about issues in Corporate Governance

Shareholder Voting Research Best Practice Principles Confidence in the shareholder voting process is key to building strong relationships between shareholders and companies. For that reason, Minerva is a member of the Best Practice Principles Group for Shareholder Voting Research As a signatory to the Principles, we have produced a statement affirming our commitment to the […]

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High Quality, Bespoke ESG Data & Analytics Minerva supports custom research projects with comprehensive and objective corporate governance, shareholder voting and sustainability data. Whether you need shareholder voting trends to prepare for an AGM, comparative governance standards for stewardship engagement, executive pay data for bench-marking, director networks and biographies for recruitment or sustainability reporting trends, Minerva's [...] Read More
People, Process, Precision The blend of people and technology gives Minerva unparalleled flexibility to deliver tailor-made governance support services to meet your exact needs. Minerva's Core Feature A core feature of Minerva is its highly flexible and bespoke approach to governance analysis. Minerva offers unparalleled customisation of voting policy to deliver tailor-made governance support services [...] Read More
governance codes manifest say on pay survey
Minerva is home to the most comprehensive time series of independent and objective global corporate governance data: On-line: Immediate access to Minerva's latest analysis of governance and voting trends together with full histories stretching back to 1995. Discounted Subscriptions: Many academic institutions subscribe to Minerva's unique data at attractive and discounted academic rates. Data Support: [...] Read More

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has revealed its final Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment label regime, including a new ‘mixed goal’ label.

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Blocks spelling out SDR against a green background

The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found many firms must improve their disclosures to meet the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR).

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The Minerva 2023 Proxy Review will be published later this month highlighting the impact of the uncertain geopolitical climate has had on investor voting this year.

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climate investment

The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) has urged policymakers to overcome political barriers and open up $275 trillion in climate investment opportunities.

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak , UK government

The Good Law Project (GLP) has threatened to legally challenge the UK government over backsliding on net zero policies.

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