Search Results for: SEC disclosure

SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro has announced the creation of new advisory committee which is intended to give investors a greater opportunity for input on the Commission’s reform program. SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar is the primary sponsor of the 18-person committee which will cover a broad work plan, including:  Advising the Commission on matters of concern […]

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Owners of USA Inc today (May 20)  got the news they’ve been waiting for – the SEC has voted to propose new rules which will enable them to nominate their own board candidates. The proposal was passed in a narrow 3-2 vote reflecting party alliegances; both the Republican commissioners voted against the proposal on the basis […]

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Sustainability standards consolidation draws closer

The Republican-led US congressional Financial Services Committee (FSC) has proposed a series of bills that are designed to limit the impact of ESG initiatives.

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Changes to SEC disclosure rules effective Feb. 28, 2010 require US listed companies to disclose the results of their meetings within four business days. This means that we are able to provide an overview of the season in a more-timely manner. PGI has put together a summary of the results for some of the more common shareholder […]

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The market for US compensation consultants is looking increasingly concentrated according to new research by ProxyGovernance. Based on data for annual meetings held between Jan. 1, 2009 and July 1, 2009, five consulting firms – Towers Perrinand Watson Wyatt (now combined as Towers Watson & Co.), Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc. Mercer LLC and […]

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climate reporting

Australia steps closer to mandatory climate reporting August 29th, 2024 The Australian senate has passed a bill to introduce mandatory climate reporting for large and medium-sized companies as part of the government’s sustainable finance strategy. Senators voted 34-25 to support the Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Bill 2024, which will require […]

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sustainability plans

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has started on its two-year work plan to improve harmonisation and consolidation of sustainability disclosure guidance.

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The three European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have published a joint proposal calling for an update to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

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European Regulators Call for Stricter Supervision to Combat Greenwashing June 5, 2024 The EU’s three primary financial services regulators have called for improved supervision and market practice to enhance the integrity of sustainability-related claims in the financial sector. The European Banking Authority (EBA), European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and European Insurance and Occupational Pensions […]

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More ESG proposals ahead for China’s AGM season May 30th, 2024 New reforms to China’s company law will lead to an increase in ESG proposals at AGMs, Allianz Global Investors (Allianz GI) predicted. A revision to China’s company law will reduce the minimum ownership requirement for shareholders seeking to put forward resolutions at AGMs from […]

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