Since 1997 The Minerva team has carefully curated millions of key governance data points to support informed voting decisions. VoteWatch lets users sort and screen voting outcomes not just by individual company, but by types of resolution, country, sector and levels of dissent.

Minerva – data and tools for smarter stewardship

This table is based on VoteWatch our powerful AGM vote results screening tool with a comprehensive range of criteria including: Company, Sector, Market Cap, Resolution Type (e.g. Remuneration, Capital Authorities, Director Elections), Governance Policy Issues (e.g. Chair of Remuneration Committee, Chair of Audit Committee), Country of Incorporation and Listing, Resolution Proponent, Vote Outcomes and various Levels of Dissent. By default the table is focused on the latest financial year and sorted by Company name in descending alphabetical order. To explore the data yourself, simply use the Sorting and Filtering tools.

VoteWatch: Pay Governance and Voting Dissent

Source: Minerva Analytics Ltd

What is “Dissent?”

Dissent is the total of Abstain/Withheld and Against votes on any remuneration-related resolution.

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Minerva – governance research pioneers

Minerva, through its roots as Manifest, is the original and authoritative source of AGM vote results. We started the project in 1996 when we wrote to every company in the UK’s FTSE All Share requesting copies of meeting minutes and voting results. As direct owners of shares in our own name, this key information right let us analyse what was happening to our clients votes after lodgement.  Trafalgar House plc took the honours for being the first company to provide the data in February 1996. It took a decade of persistent lobbying before s341 of the Companies Act 2006 finally made voting disclosure mandatory.


Minerva – the independent, global governance resource

Today, AGM results are obtained from primary sources around the world, hand-coded and classified to create a unique and valuable resource of independent, objective and conflict-free governance data for investors, academics, regulators and companies alike.

In the past 5 years alone we’ve analysed the results of 25,000 meetings. As at 25-Aug-17 we’ve analysed a staggering 64,300 events, totaling 634,828 resolutions, together with the analysis of underlying issues which form the basis of our custom vote policy service.


Need more data?

To help shareholders and stakeholders understand how governance is progressing at UK companies, this free resource will automatically updated on a nightly basis. If you need more comprehensive data, then VoteWatch is the best solution. VoteWatch provides a full breakdown of voting results by For, Against, Abstain, Discretionary plus Turnout, as disclosed by companies from around the world. We also show where the resolution is taken by show of hands, on a poll, where resolutions have been passed or withdrawn, together with subsequent commentary from the company.


Solutions for Active Owners

We believe that we can help institutional investors make the most of their voting assets.

  • Technology to manage AGM season efficiently at scale
  • Tools to research and customise voting policies
  • Smart data, insights, and guidance to inform stewardship decisions

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Last Updated: 15 October 2019