Commission outlines investor actions needed for sustainable mining  

October 11th, 2024

A commission supported by investors managing over $15 billion in assets has outlined key actions investors can take to improve sustainability in the mining sector.

The Global Investor Commission on Mining 2030 identified six priorities for investors seeking to support an environmentally and socially responsible mining sector, capable of meeting global demand for mineral while aligning with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The initiative is backed by investors including Allianz Investment Management, the Church of England Pensions Board, Scottish Widows, Ninety-One and Royal London Asset Management.

The objectives are to improve company social and environmental performance by developing investor expectations that align with global and mining industry standards while ensuring that demand-side companies also adhere to these expectations.

The investor-led initiative also recommended stronger regulation to reinforce investor expectations as well as improving transparency in decision making to deliver fair, equitable and sustained benefits at local and national levels.

Another priority was to reduce mining as a source of conflict by better identifying and managing risks associated with mining-related impacts and revenues.

In addition, the initiative called for ensuring safe and responsible mine closures while creating positive legacies for existing mining operations and addressing the historic impacts of mining.

These recommendations are designed to focus on areas where investors can make the most significant positive impact at scale. They also aim to help investors gain a deeper understanding of the mining ecosystem and identify what they can do to influence the industry and its value chains.

Ashley Hamilton Claxton, head of responsible investment at Royal London Asset Management, said: “The green energy transition is crucial for a sustainable future, but it hinges on the responsible extraction of critical minerals. Investors play a vital role in promoting ethical mining practices and ensuring that operations respect human rights and Indigenous territories.”

Last Updated: 11 October 2024