Manifest is pleased to announce the appointment of Valerie Callen as Business Development Manager this week. Valerie will be working alongside Paul Hewitt and will be focused primarily on public sector pension funds. Valerie has been involved with local authority and other not-for-profit sector pension funds for over 28 years in a variety of roles […]

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Press reports today suggest that Leo Kirch is likely to participate in mediation talks with Deutsche Bank in an effort to resolve his long-running dispute with the company. Earlier this week, the Landgericht in Frankfurt (a local court), found in Kirch’s favour, and the ruled that most of the decisions of the 2008 AGM are […]

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The UK is well known in European circles for its singular approach to regulatory reform, in particular its tactical use of the “Opt Out”. All the more surprising therefore to see Gordon Brown getting together with Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy  to  agree a strategy on banking bonuses ahead of next weeks G20 summit. […]

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At a time when global stock exchanges are relinquishing their role as regulators to focus on trading technology, NYSE Euronext is bucking the trend. In an press announcement on Tuesday, September 1st, NYSE said that leading US lawyer, Larry Sonsini, will chair an independent advisory commission charged with examining U.S. corporate governance and the proxy process […]

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Investors engaging with North American companies on climate change financial risks achieved major breakthroughs in the 2009 proxy season according to a recent report by environmental think-tank, CERES. A record 68 climate-related shareholder resolutions were filed by investors this year. Of the 68 resolutions filed, a record 31 resulted in company agreements and withdrawal of […]

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An independent report commissioned by the European Commission has concluded that the differences between US and international audit standards are “negligible”. The study,  prepared by the Maastricht Accounting, Auditing and Information Management Research Center (MARC), evaluated the differences between International Standards in Auditing (ISAs) and the standards of the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). ISAs […]

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French President Nicolas Sarkozy has stepped into the governance spotlight with a plan to keep bankers pay under control. Following a meeting  on Tuesday between Sarkozy and France’s top banks, including BNP Paribas SA and Société Générale SA the banks agreed to penalize traders who lose money for their firms after getting a bonus and to […]

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Earlier this year the United Nations announced it was going to get tough on compliance with its Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative. It has now announced that five financial institutions have been delisted as signatories from the Principles  for not participating in the Initiative’s annual Reporting and Assessment process. Participation in the annual survey is […]

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Näringslivets Börskommitté (NBK), the Swedish Industry and Commerce Stock Exchange Committee, has completed a review of the Swedish takeover rules which apply to regulated markets in Sweden (Nasdaq OMX Stockholm and Nordic Growth Market). Draft revised rules were published in June, with the final draft being submitted to the NASDAQ OMX. Of most interest are […]

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Annual reports are the bread and butter for corporate governance analysts. Here at Manifest we eat our way through almost 4,000 of them every year. You don’t need to take our word for it that they are of, shall be generous and say, ‘variable quality’.  The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, a professional media industry body, has […]

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