Author Archives: Joe McGrath
Swedish Governance Code

Rise in companies deviating from Swedish governance code The Board’s 2019 Annual Report, published this week, revealed that over a third (34 per cent) of companies that apply the Code reported at least one deviation in 2018, up from 29 per cent in 2017. The Swedish Corporate Governance Board has reported a rise in the […]

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LGC Investment & Pension Summit

Minerva backs key industry Summit Minerva Analytics has sponsored this year’s flagship LGC Investment and Pensions Summit. As Europe’s best-known independent provider of global research and proxy voting solutions, Minerva will sponsor the summit’s end of conference podcast which summarises the discussions from this year’s event. The event, which kicked off on 5 September 2019 […]

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Median CEO pay falls, but is this the full story?

Median CEO pay falls, but is this the full story? When it comes to corporate governance, no topic is more contentious than the pay of top CEOs. The debate over whether companies pay their top executives excessively high salaries has been raging for years. Couple this with research from Edelman Trust showing that nearly two-thirds […]

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High performing fund managers overlooked… if they’re black

High performing fund managers overlooked… if they’re black Investors are being urged to tackle institutional racism after a major study found black fund managers are often overlooked due to their colour – even when they are high performing. The study, published last week by Stanford University and venture capital firm Illumen Capital, found evidence of racial […]

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RSM US fined by SEC for violating auditor independence rules

RSM fined $950k for independence breach Accounting firm RSM US has been fined $950,000 by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for violating the auditor independence rules. RSM US, a member firm of the RSM International (RSMI) network with more than 80 offices across the country, was judged to have violated the strict rules when […]

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COVID-19 Capital and Pay Response

Law Commission opens consultation on intermediated securities The Law Commission has published a call for evidence on intermediated securities, the first step in a scoping study, and asked stakeholders for their views and experiences. With the intention of informing public debate and to develop a broader understanding of options for reform, the scoping study focuses […]

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CEOs backing new governance statement cause a stir

CEOs backing new governance statement cause a stir When over 180 of America’s top CEOs signed a new corporate governance agreement that effectively eliminates shareholder primacy and commits to representing the interests of ‘all Americans’, the move was going to attract attention. The Business Roundtable, an association of chief executives of America’s leading companies, updated […]

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SEC lambasted over shareholder rights change as companies fail to meet ESG targets

US regulator draws internal criticism for pressure over proxy firm influence The Securities and Exchange Commission has drawn criticism from within its own ranks after pushing investment managers to question and probe the influence proxy voting firms on have on their decisions. The guidance, voted through on a 3-2 pass on August 21, examines the […]

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shareholder voting research

New website aims to prevent investor rights erosion With the SEC set to announce new rules on proxy voting this week, a new website has launched for organisations concerned about the erosion of investor rights. A quick browse of shows why it deserves some attention. Backed by established names such as the Forum for […]

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sustainable world

Sustainability reporting is inconsistent, but do investors help or hinder themselves by avoiding regulatory engagement asks new research. #ESG #corpgov

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